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RIIWHS302E Implement Traffic Management Plan – PowerPoint presentation


This resources includes;

  • Picture-Based Learning: Uses visual aids to simplify complex concepts and make learning more engaging and effective.
  • Support for Unit Competency: Specifically designed to support the RIIWHS302E unit of competency.
  • Learner Guide Matching Slides: The presentation aligns with the Learner Guide, enhancing group learning and ensuring consistency.
  • Digital Availability: Accessible via Dropbox or USB, providing flexibility in how the materials are received and used.

James Tenant



RIIWHS302E – Implement traffic management plan

This presentation is a multimedia version of our Learner Guide It is a compact summary of each performance criteria in the unit and will help prepare a learner for their final assessment.  

Elements Covered

  • Convenient and accessible preparation for the forklift licence test
  • Ensures thorough coverage of all test elements to increase chances of success
  • Immediate feedback helps in understanding strengths and weaknesses
  • Helps build confidence by providing a good indication of readiness for the assessment

Ideal For

RTO Trainers

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