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CPCWHS1001 White Card PowerPoint – Queensland edition


This resources includes;

  • Will help prepare students for the Queensland assessment paper.
  • Covers the content of the Queensland test but with different wording and in pictures.
  • Will help your students study for their Construction Induction (White Card) ticket.
  • Mapped to the unit of competency CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry.
  • Delivered via DropBox.

James Tenant



The PowerPoint presentation works with the Learner Guide. The trainer can use the PowerPoint to help the students to find the answers to put in their workbooks. The Learner Workbook can also be used as formative assessment.

Elements Covered

  • Convenient and accessible preparation for the forklift licence test
  • Ensures thorough coverage of all test elements to increase chances of success
  • Immediate feedback helps in understanding strengths and weaknesses
  • Helps build confidence by providing a good indication of readiness for the assessment

Ideal For

RTO Trainers